The BCBC maintains the policies below to ensure the shop and BCBC programming run smoothly and are welcoming for one and all. We are always looking to improve; if you have any suggestions on policies that would improve how our organization operates, please reach out to
Harassment Policy
The Bridge City Bicycle Co-op believes in providing a safe and inclusive space for its members. The environment provided will be free of harassment and all members deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. There is zero tolerance for harassment of any kind, and any person who violates this policy will be subject to the consequences established in this policy.
Payment Policy
The BCBC accepts payment for a variety of goods and services including (but not exclusive to): bicycles, parts, memberships, merchandise, general donations, etc. Acceptable payment methods include: Cash, Cheque, PayPal, Credit Card via Square, Volunteer Time. Unacceptable payment methods include: Bicycles, Parts, Supplies.
Keyholder Policy
The Bridge City Bicycle Co-op has a number of active members that require convenient access to the space, in order for the shop to run optimally and securely. This policy establishes the requirements and expectations to providing keyholders with keys.
Delegation of Financial Authority Policy
The BCBC Board delegates financial authority to the employees and committees within the organization to enable efficient management of small financial affairs while at the same time ensuring that board approval is required on more significant or unusual decisions. Further delegation of this authority to others not expressly covered under this policy is prohibited. This policy does not provide authorization to sign agreements on behalf of the BCBC.
All transactions must be undertaken in the pursuit of achieving the BCBC’s Mission Statement and Vision.